

Keyword Maintenance

Historical Chart

Enhanced Control Over SERP History and Historical Charts

We’ve updated how data is displayed in SERP History and Historical Charts to give you` more control over maintaining a continuous rank history. Previously, data was automatically filled in, which did not always reflect when it was actually collected. This change ensures that users can choose whether or not to fill in missing data points.
What’s Changed?
There is a new setting called
Maintain Continuous Rank History
(previously 'Fill in rank drops in historical charts'). You can enable this to fill gaps in the historical line chart and SERP history when a keyword drops in rank or can’t be found during automatic updates. The latest available rank data will be used to maintain a continuous flow.
This is what is look like with no filling:
Screenshot 2025-03-06 at 17
Screenshot 2025-03-06 at 17
This is what it looks like with filling:
Screenshot 2025-03-06 at 17
Screenshot 2025-03-06 at 17