
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


We have improved the way you can identify when your keywords were last updated.
Last Updated Time
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The time displayed indicates the following:
  • The
    Main Project's
    "Last Updated" date & time will be the last time
    any keywords in the Main Project or any group
    were updated automatically or via an on demand refresh.
  • The
    "Last Updated" date & time will be the last time
    any keywords in the Group
    were updated automatically or via an on demand refresh.
  • The
    "Last Updated" date & time will be the last time
    any keywords in the Main Project or Group the Tag is linked to
    were updated automatically or via an on demand refresh.
Additionally, we have added a new column to the Keyword Ranking Table called "
Keyword Last Updated
". This will indicate the last time ranking data was collected for that keyword. You can choose to hide this column from the Settings page.
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We have removed the legacy "Flag" indicators in the Rank column. These flags indicated if your keyword was features in a Featured Snippet or Local pack.
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With the introduction of the SERP feature column, you can easily see which of your keywords are featured. Read more about SERP features here.
We have things a bit in our navigation to make things easier for you.
The following features are now available in the header meanu:
  • Alerts
  • Settings
  • Global Search
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Introducing a new custom Looker Studio connector specifically designed for visualizing your ranking and share of voice data. With this connector, you can now create insightful reports and dashboards directly within Looker Studio, allowing you to:
  • Drag-and-Drop Data Integration: Easily connect your ranking and share of voice data sources directly within Looker Studio.
  • Customizable Visualizations: Explore a variety of chart types and leverage Looker Studio's formatting options to tailor your reports to your specific needs.
  • Deeper Insights: Combine data from both sources to gain a holistic view of your performance and identify key trends.
  • Get started by creating separate data sources for your ranking and share of voice data within Looker Studio. Utilize the connector to build insightful reports and dashboards that empower data-driven decision making.
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Read more about how to connect here.
We're thrilled to announce the launch of our latest feature on
Search Intent
. Understanding user intent behind keyword searches is crucial for optimizing your website's content and improving overall search engine visibility.
With our new Search Intent feature, we provide you with insights into the intent behind keyword searches, helping you tailor your content strategy more effectively.
How it Works:
When you log in to and navigate to the keyword ranking table, you'll notice a new column labeled "
Search Intent
." This column displays a letter code representing the search intent associated with each keyword:
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  • C: Commercial intent
    - People are likely looking to make a purchase or engage in commercial activity related to the keyword.
  • I: Informational intent
    - People seek information or answers to questions related to the keyword.
  • N: Navigational intent
    - People are searching for a specific website or resource related to the keyword.
  • T: Transactional intent
    - People are actively looking to complete a transaction, such as signing up for a service or subscribing to a newsletter.
  • Confidence Levels:
Read more about this exciting feature here.
You can now set the reporting currency for your keyword ranking table to your preferred reporting currency.
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To do this, go to Settings > Table and choose your preferred reporting currency.
Once your currency is set, it be visible in your Keyword Ranking Table, ViewKey and PDF reports.
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Introducing Single Sign-On (SSO)! Now, you can seamlessly sign in with your Google, LinkedIn, Facebook, or Microsoft account.
Here's how to get started:
  1. Visit and click on the "Log In" button.
  2. Select your preferred login option: Google, LinkedIn, Facebook, or Microsoft.
  3. Ensure that the email associated with your chosen account matches your existing email.
That's it! You're now just one click away from accessing with enhanced convenience and security.
We're excited to introduce a significant upgrade to our keyword ranking table, providing you with more control and flexibility in managing your data. Here's what's new:
Adjustable Column Width and Order:
Tailor the table to your preferences by adjusting column widths and reordering them as you see fit.
Account-Level Preferences:
Your column width and order adjustments are now saved at the account level. Switch between projects without losing your personalized settings.
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Experiment with the new features worry-free. If you encounter any issues, simply go to Settings > Table and select "Use New Keywords Table (Beta)."
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You can read more about the Keyword Ranking Table and all the possible customizations here.
Our newest feature,
SERP Features
, now offers a seamless integration of SERP features into your keyword ranking data. In the keyword ranking table, you can easily identify SERP feature icons for each relevant keyword.
These features are designed to provide you with more relevant and useful information at a glance. You can optimize your content for these features by using structured data markup, writing clear and concise titles and descriptions, creating high-quality content, using images and videos, and promoting your content on social media and other online channels.
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A blue icon indicates the presence of the SERP feature, while a green icon signifies that your URL is the featured one in that feature. Additionally, the Spyglass view highlights all SERP features in yellow for quick reference.
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Read more about this feature here.


Rank Table


Introducing Top Pages

Now you can Identify and track your top-performing URLs based on the keywords they are rank tracking. Use this information to optimize content, build backlinks, and improve your SEO results.
Benefits of Using Top Pages:
  • Identify Your Champions
    : Spot the pages driving the most traffic and ranking for valuable keywords.
  • Track Progress
    : Monitor the ranking evolution of your pages over time, measuring the impact of your SEO endeavors.
  • Uncover Opportunities
    : Pinpoint pages with the potential to climb higher in keyword rankings and pages that can be improved for greater traffic attraction.
In your project, group, or tag, simply click on the
Top Pages tab
in the keyword ranking table. Here, you can explore:
  • All ranking pages for the project, group, or tag.
  • The total number of keywords that are ranking per page.
  • The average rank of the keywords ranking for that page.
  • The total search volume for all ranking keywords for that page.
  • The average cost per click of all the keywords ranking for that page.
Read more about this new feature here.
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